List of Xenobot scripts included in folder:
Screenshot Taker
Script make screenshot when your lvl going up, when you die, when your stamina is below 14h, and when you get a skull.
Amulet changer
As title say, script equip amulet when actually is out.
Bolts Sorter
Moving bolts/arrows/start etc. to your ammo backpack.
Drop Flask
Drop on the ground empy flask when you have 50 or more.
Equip bow
Script change bow to one-hand weapon and shield when you are underattack by many monsters.
Equip Spear
Change small stone to spear or other weapon when your ammo is low.
You can use this if you want hunt with yourself by mc.
Gold to platinum
It's change gold to platinum and platinum to crystal when count is 100.
NOTE: Use this only on OTServer!
This is automatic looter when you hunting manualy, its open mobs and take loot for you.
It's the same like bolts sorter script, no need to to write more.
Simply and easy to use HUD.
Use this script if you using reconnect. Backpacks must be sorted in the order you want them to get opened, so if you stack bp is open first, you must put it on the last position in your main bp.
Simply ring changer.
Sio healer
Advenced script for elder druid who using sio spell for healing friends.
Soft equiper
Soft boots equiper when your mana is below % what you set.
Sorting Items
Very usefull script for sorting items. It sort items for blue djinn, green djinn, rashid.