Warning: PHP Startup: Failed to decode session object. Session has been destroyed in /forum/sys/CODOF/Util.php on line 93 Full packages | TibiaServers - OTS List Forum
GlobalFull OtherWorld + Hearth of Destruction Quest+ Battlefield + Last Man Standing + Capture The Flag + Zoombie Event + War Anti-Entrosa + WebSite + Database + Sources
Warzone 1, 2 e 3
Task system, com bosses e ranks;
Bank System
Gray Beach City completa 100% (incluindo Subsolo)
NewVenore 100%
New AB 100%
Monstros 100%
Trainer Offline 100%
Trainer Online 100%
Todas montarias;
Taming system funcionando 100%;
Database completa
Wrath of Emperor Quest
War System 100%
Market System 100%
Roshamull Completa100% (incluindo subsolo)
Oramond Full
Zao 100%
Sem bug de pegar items com o browse field
POI 100%
Varios bugs de mapas removidos
Blood Herb Quest 100%
Npc Addoner, (e tem os npc originais fica a seu critério)
Chayenne Realm Quest
Pythius The Rotten Quest 100%
CAST SYSTEM (Nao tenho certeza mais e diferente do OTX)
REWARD SYSTEM (Diferente do OTX)
Website (webshop com montarias e items ja adicionados, pagina de venda de char 100%, entrega de addons e montarias pelo shop/lua do globalevents, todas as paginas de eventos e informações)
7.4 Features: No Protection zone on boats and rugs.
-Spells, vocations and spells formuled based on Tibia 7.4. There are no Hotkleys! -War System. -Cast System. -Anti Clone.
-Task System (Over 50) -Party Sharing Experience. You can share experience in-party with your friends, and receive 10% bonus experience when activated (! Share). -No has runes in the Shop. only cast. -Errored, cast 2x more than real warmth runes (eg Sd 2x). -Fast Soul Regen -Conjure Runes in the backpack. ! -No Wands / Rods, Burst Arrowns based on magic level.
Vocation Features
-Paladins cast more ammunition. (eg exevo with = 15 arrows) -Mages conjure up more runes. (e.g., adori vita vis = 2 SDs) -Damage improved by 10% for Knights and Paladins. -Attack speed improved by 10% for all vocations.
Game Features
-Bank system. -Auto-stack items -Full HP and MP at level up. -Stone Skin Amulet does not have NPCs, drops only from Warlock or Hydra -Real Tibia map Full real Tibia map, including all NPCs, Port Hope, monsters and quests 100% RL. -POI quest and all rooms (Custom made by min). -Demon Oak Quest (Custom made by min). -Uptime: Very Stable.