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IP: Port: 7171 Client: 10.00 / 13.20 Created 25th August 2023 Location Europe Experience Stages 1 - 50 x300 51 - 80 x150 81 - 100 x70 101 - 130 x40 131 - 150 x20 151 - 180 x15 181 - 210 x12 211 - 240 x9 241 - 270 x6 271 - 300 x4 301 - 400 x3 401+ x2 Free Server - no payment Free Tibia Coins for for being logged in. We are creating a private Tibia server out of sentiment for the game. If you also love this game, great! Join us, real fans, like us on facebook. Located in Europe so the connection is at a high level. Just being logged in is enough – every 10 minutes, you receive 2 Tibia Coins. If you purchase the promotion, you'll get 3 Tibia Coins. If you reach level 300, you double that value. We are waiting for you!