Pay to win Tibia - Why older players stopped playing
Posted on 15th Aug 2023 10:03:37 in Tibia News
Tagged as: pay-to-win, pvp system, bots
Tibia, the iconic MMORPG, has garnered a loyal following over the years, but it's no secret that some players have drifted away from the game. A look into player discussions and experiences sheds light on the reasons behind their departure.
Evolution of Tibia - changes over the years
Posted on 12th Aug 2023 10:45:50 in Tibia News
Tagged as: pay-to-win, pvp system, bots
As Tibia continues its journey of evolution, the challenge of satisfying both new and long-standing players becomes increasingly complex. With a rich history of updates and changes that have shaped the game, striking a balance between catering to the expectations of both groups while introducing innovative features has proven to be a formidable task.
Tutorial for knights - where to exp - Tibia
Posted on 23rd Oct 2021 16:55:53 in tibia exp
Tagged as: tibia-tutorial, knight-tibia-tutorial
Cipsoft is adding new spots and hunting grounds like crazy. it's enough that you didn't play half a year in Tibia and you missed a lot. Check where is the best knight exp places. Great guide with videos.