Best Evo Ots
Server Informations: Simson OTS Tibia 8.60 port 7171 ip Exp Stages 1-50: x 400 50-150: x 350 150-200: x 300 200-350: x 250 350-500: x 200 500-750: x 50 750-1000: x 20 1000-1800: x 15 1800-2200: x 12 2200-2400: x 10 2400-2600: x 9 2600-2800: x 8 2800-3000: x 5 3000 +: x 2 Skills: x 50 Magic Level: x 10 Loot: x 2 Houses: 600 lvl + Protection level: 150 lvl + PZ Lock: 60 seconds White Skull Time: 5 minutes od 50 lvla co kazde nastepne 50 lvli otrzymasz okreslona ilosc crystal coins! Frags & Skull system: * Red skull length: 1 day o You will get red skull if you gain: + 25 unjustified kills per a day + 175 unjustified kills per a week + 700 unjustified kills per a month * Black skull length: 2 days o You will get black skull if you gain: + 30 unjustified kills per a day + 210 unjustified kills per a week + 840 unjustified kills per a month Komendy: !go = zmiana outfitu wszystkim w gildii !all "tekst" = wiadomosc do wszystkich z gildii !uptime = ile czasu server jest online !frags = ile masz fragow !spells = sprawdza twoje czary !soft = ladowanie soft boots !fire = ladowanie firewalker boots !helmet = ladowanie helmet of the ancients !boots = ladowanie donator boots !shield = ladowanie donator shield !serverinfo = informacja na temat servera !bless = zakup wszystkich blessow koszt 10 crystal coins (do 1000 lvla blessy sa darmowe) !bless on = automatyczny zakup wszystkich blessow koszt 10 crystal coins (do 1000 lvla blessy sa darmowe) !aol = zakup amulet of loss koszt 5 crystal coins !aol on = automatyczny zakup amulet of loss koszt 5 crystal coins !rs = usuniecie red skulla koszt 5 points !bs = usuniecie black skulla koszt 10 points !backpack = zakup backpacka koszt 20 gold coins !rope = zakup rope koszt 50 gold coins !shovel = zakup shovel koszt 50 gold coins !pick = zakup pick koszt 50 gold coins !scythe = zakup scythe koszt 50 gold coins !machete = zakup machete koszt 35 gold coins !fishing = z